China – Beijing Train to Nth.Korea

I've decided to copy (gradually) my Facebook blogs over to this site so beware for those who may have read this in the past.

Stress levels returning. Nice Dave reappearing (horrible stressed Dave not a good thing to be around). Started this morning with hotel check out then only 2 stops to the wrong long distance train station so I could get to the North Korean border and meet up with my tour group 2moro morning. Had heaps of time. Hmm, wait a sec… wrong station!!! But the lady who issued the ticket told me North Beijing railway station only problem was they wouldn’t let me pass security and kept pointing to the station name on the ticket ‘Beijingnan’. English speaking is rare here so the sight of a panicked bloke, backpacked, frantically darting around the subway station asking strangers if they spoke English to which the reply was either a blank stare or a ‘l’ve got to get to work, leave me alone ‘ ignoring rebuttal. After 5 minutes below ground (t-minus 70 and counting) I surfaced aboveground, still with no idea where I should be or how to get there but I thought a taxi would know and I was willing to pay lots, no bartering, no time. Before I had found a taxi (rush hour, I hope the station is close… panic, stress) a bloke seemed to see an opportunity and after showing my ticket he started to speak gibberish (really Chinese). At last a break, a girl overhead him saying whatever it was and she spoke English. Looking back on it now I should have started crying at this point. I definitely should have kissed her. Beijing South station I was told. Ahhhhh. T-minus 60. Back into mole mode on the subway. Found the route, direct (you beauty), 9 stops, got on the train (or at times a sardine can). Watching the stations go by, looking at my watch, mind spinning into action (if I missed the train, could I get a plane?), puddle of sweat at my feet (I ‘ve looked better). Got off the train at t-minus 30 minutes (much quicker than I had hoped) but I was still in a big station and had no idea of where to go. My first break was a big board that said gate 8 but the direction signs were confusing (do I go to arriving 8, ticket check 8 or somewhere else). More panic, so close. A station guard pointed up the escalators but the number of times I have been sent the wrong way at times during my travels (after all this is how I got into this mess in the first place). Up I went (t-minus 20). No, no, no!!! The dreaded long lined security check with x-ray machines. 5 minute delay (t-minus 15). Found gate 8, looked up at the board, it was like having a really cold beer after a really long run. The right train number and with 10 minutes to spare. Easy-peasy (not) but oh so lucky.

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